the sundry colorful tales that compose our days.

Archive for December, 2010

Happy Christmas

I’m behind on getting photos/videos/posts up, but am working on them . . . in the meantime, I put this together quickly for a short Christmas posting!  Happy Christmas everyone!

Elliot composes

[vimeo w=590 h=330]

Not an uncommon sight around the house—Elliot loves to compose her own songs by transcribing in a string of notes as she made it up . . .

Another Morning

Another typical morning around our house—it’s hard to wake a sleeping cutie, but it’s worth the effort when they light up your home with play . . .

Here’s a couple other recent photos—the first of swinging with her friend Sophia at the Plaza playground and the second of us enjoying the weekly Shiso Sushi night at Sonoma Springs Brewery around the corner from our home.

Thanksgiving // 2010

Meema and Dampa came down to the Bay Area and we all spent Thanksgiving in the city with Mary and Karson. We also got to see their new house in Oakland and their new dog for the first times!


Elliot and I love making pulleys using jump ropes and the backs of two chairs. We send stuff to each other. You know, like tooth paste and legos.