the sundry colorful tales that compose our days.


Elliot’s stage // Fireflies Dance

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For the last couple months, Elliot has been taking an extracurricular Jazz dance class every wednesday morning at school. It is led by the school’s dance teacher—who does a wonderful job. The class culminated in this dance performance set to Owl Service’s “Fireflies” . . .

Elliot’s art award

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Elliot’s teacher selected her to receive an art award at a recent assembly.  We were able to attend and surprise her (along with Mimi, Pop and Dampa)—she didn’t know she was getting it until her name was called!

It’s a He!

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After last week’s snow delay, we were more than eager to have this ultrasound appointment. We even got Elliot out of school early to join us.

We’re so excited to be having a boy . . . !

elliot’s stage // Piano Recital : 2012.01.22

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Elliot had her first piano recital in Tacoma yesterday—at University of Puget Sound’s Schneebeck Hall (where she also takes her weekly lessons.)  Despite a bit of stage fright about having to introduce herself and her piece to the audience, she played wonderfully.

Elliot’s Stage // the big week

Sure, Elliot, you want to join the Glee club?  OK, singing is a great skill to learn!  Oh, and you want to be in the Peter Pan Musical?  You bet—you love that story and it will be a fun experience.

Oh, wait—you mean your Glee Club recital and you Peter Pan performances and your piano studio recital are all on the same week . . . !!??

What did we get ourselves into??!

Yes, all of Elliot’s various activities somehow managed to culminate in performances during the same week.  Fortunately, there was no ballet performance added to the list.  We basically lived in the Veteran’s Memorial Hall where both her Glee club recital and Peter Pan performances were held.  We also spent whatever time we could carve out in front of the Piano—along with several early mornings before school at her piano studio—practicing her pieces.  And I have to say she handled it incredibly well (better than her parents!)  She even got sad when her early morning duet practices were over . . .

And before you grandmothers and great grandmothers and other “loving worriers” out there worry—she also got a lot of free play time.  Perhaps not as much as usual, but still some.  And lesson learned: find out when performances are before committing to activities!

Below are photos and videos from Elliot’s big performance week.

piano recital
featuring her first public performance of a song using both hands as well as her first performance of a duet (with friend Gabriella Sebastiani.) : 

glee club recital
Elliot and her two friends Matea (center) and Jocelyn (right) by themselves on a large stage in a packed auditorium—fearless girls! : 

Peter Pan
Elliot played a Lost Girl, The Bluebird of Happiness and a Fairy Friend and was joined in this production by her friends Kate and Gabriella.  This is a memory she’ll always treasure—she thrived being back stage and bonding with the other kids : 

Dancing her heart out at the cast party:

Playing with her congratulatory balloon at Taste of the Himalayas after her final performance:

Elliot’s stage // Glee at Sonoma Hills

Elliot’s Glee club recently had a practice performance at Sonoma Hills Retirement Home.  This is Elliot’s first non-school singing performance, so we weren’t sure what to expect, but there was no sign of the stage fright that Sarah and I were (are) prone to.  Instead, she stood front and center and happily, proudly, loudly sang her songs.

She received several superlative compliments afterwards and we couldn’t have been prouder!

Elliot’s World // forest animals + park adventures

Elliot introduces us to the forest animals that populate her world and she regales us with a convoluted tale from the wilds of the playground . . .

Elliot’s World

Elliot has become inseparable from the camera.  She films herself doing puzzles.  She films me reading her bedtime story.  She films a tour of the  house and all the objects in her room.

I don’t know where she gets it from . . .

She also always introduces herself to the camera—which is a must-see.

Here are the first two of what will possibly become many cunning tales from the world of Elliot.

Elliot’s directorial debut

Recently, Elliot’s been taking a great interest in walking around our home with the old Flip camera shooting videos—”So . . . this is my room . . . and here’s my pillow . . . and this is my stuffed Toto . . . now I’m going to show you my fort . . . ” etc, etc.  She’s also taking photos using our iphone.  I don’t know where she learned this behavior . . .

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to have Elliot make her first “movie”—and she was thrilled with the idea!  So, she and I sat down and she told me the story of the movie which I broke down into scenes.  Then she decided which toys would play the various parts and where the scenes would take place—using her toys and blocks for set pieces.  Then she acted out each scene as I filmed—she learned to say, “Camera?” (“ready”) and “Action” before each scene.  Then we uploaded the footage and sat down in front of the computer and edited the movie together.  “We don’t want to keep that part, Daddy,” and, “Let’s have it start after I say ‘action!'”

Above is the resulting movie.  And below are some of her iphone photos!


First Bike

Our present to Elliot on her 5th birthday was a new bicycle (to replace her tricycle she was quickly outgrowing.)  However, due to a combination of busy holiday schedules and bad weather weekends, it took us until the other day to actually get it for her.  Immediately after purchasing, we took the very excited girl (she was jumping up and down with her hands in the air in the bike store) for her first bike ride—choosing the lovely Sonoma bike path as our setting.  We ran into friends, listened to frogs and enjoyed the unseasonably comfortable weather.

Just yesterday, we all went for a ride and run/walk (to keep up with the rider) to the nearby bike store to get her promised basket, bell and streamers.  She’s proving to be a strong cycler with a lot of stamina and courage—she already said she’s ready to take her training wheels off.  Of course, that will probably happen a lot slower than she expects . . .